Friday, June 25, 2010

A Glimpse Down The Road

One of the great things about having kids when you're a little bit older is that you can look to friends and family who have gone ahead of you and learn from their experiences, both good and bad.

My sister just went through a good one.

This week her eldest had his graduation complete with suits, gowns and school dance. His mom's reflection on the event prepares me for what is still a few years ahead, with both a smile and a heavy heart.
Thanks for the insight Jodi.

She writes...

"I was amazed a number of times last night at my son's graduation to watch the connection these 13 and 14 year olds have with each other. Boys held doors for the girls, helped them down the stairs to make sure they didn't trip in their heels, over their dresses. Girls applauded the boys as they got their awards, and vice versa - the loudest applause came when the most deserving child received the most deserving award! The highlights of the evening were many but dancing with my son is something I won't soon forget! In suits, they looked like men, the girls were beyond classy and stunning, and the pride in the parents eyes was filling the air! But more than anything, the connection these kids have with each other, at such a young age, and the respect they have for their parents, (the first dance was sons with their moms and daughters with their dads) even in a situation they really didn't want to be in is something we should all be proud soon as one child spun their mom on the floor, the others followed suit...I can't wait to see what the class of 2010 will become. Congratulations Brady, I LOVE YOU!"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


My wife and I are in the process of taking our first family vacation. And in doing so we needed to get passports for our two kids.
When our seven year old was having her picture taken she was asked NOT to smile. Something we as adults have become accustomed to whenever getting our drivers license or passports done, but an unusual request to a child.
When asked WHY she wasn't suppose to smile, the photographer said, "It's so they can see what you really look like."
Although I have heard that before, it suddenly struck me as odd. So THIS is what I really look like? But...I look sad. Or mad. Or just out of prison. That's not me. I'm a happy person who has spent my life in a career trying to make people smile, and laugh.
So...why can't we all crack the biggest smile we can and say THIS is what I really look like?
ALL of us!! Would we become a society of happy people? Imagine the horror!!

Next...I have to explain to the kids why we have to take our shoes off going through customs.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


As I raise my kids I dread the thought of consoling their broken hearts but rejoice in watching their discoveries.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

So Beautiful

Whatever your spiritual beliefs are, you would be hard pressed to not believe in "God given gifts" after listening to this.
Enjoy. :)
You're Beautiful

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Message vs The Messenger

Today a friend put me onto this video, and as a father of two young girls it had an immediate emotional impact on me. Goose bumps as soon as I read the tag line. And yet when I tried to share it with a couple of other people, they immediately dismissed it because the parent company of the brand that created the video, also sells products with the complete opposite message. So the company is labeled hypocritical and the message lost.

I don't get it.

If I am exposed to something and a seed is planted in my mind that makes me think or act differently, and I am moved by the message and the resulting effects...isn't that all that should matter? Isn't it simply about opening my mind and ideally becoming a better person? Do I need to dig deeper and deeper beyond the immediate results to see if somewhere...way deep down... there might be a reason to negate the positive?

Call me naive, but I choose to cherry pick what I ingest, letting the good stuff get in and take root and leaving the other stuff outside for someone else to pick up. (Please don't!)

The message in this video...made it in.
Thank you Dove.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Great Way To End My Week

Last Friday I was fortunate enough to spend an hour with two people that I have been blessed to know. I've only seen Teya a handful of times over the last five years but have watched her development with inspiration in my heart and a lump in my throat. Now she is a teenager filled with love, compassion, humour, sarcasm and a continual drive to achieve.
Her mother Jeanette has more on her plate than any of us can imagine. But as she has taught me, the higher your obstacles and challenges, the more opportunity you have for victory and success, both big and small.

For those who haven't met Teya...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tears Of Joy

The one thing all warring countries seem to have in the love for their children. I can't help but think that if we could ALL tap into the emotion of this video, nobody would ever pick up a gun again.