Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Message vs The Messenger

Today a friend put me onto this video, and as a father of two young girls it had an immediate emotional impact on me. Goose bumps as soon as I read the tag line. And yet when I tried to share it with a couple of other people, they immediately dismissed it because the parent company of the brand that created the video, also sells products with the complete opposite message. So the company is labeled hypocritical and the message lost.

I don't get it.

If I am exposed to something and a seed is planted in my mind that makes me think or act differently, and I am moved by the message and the resulting effects...isn't that all that should matter? Isn't it simply about opening my mind and ideally becoming a better person? Do I need to dig deeper and deeper beyond the immediate results to see if somewhere...way deep down... there might be a reason to negate the positive?

Call me naive, but I choose to cherry pick what I ingest, letting the good stuff get in and take root and leaving the other stuff outside for someone else to pick up. (Please don't!)

The message in this video...made it in.
Thank you Dove.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your great blog Brett and I couldn't be any happier with myself.
