Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Great Way To End My Week

Last Friday I was fortunate enough to spend an hour with two people that I have been blessed to know. I've only seen Teya a handful of times over the last five years but have watched her development with inspiration in my heart and a lump in my throat. Now she is a teenager filled with love, compassion, humour, sarcasm and a continual drive to achieve.
Her mother Jeanette has more on her plate than any of us can imagine. But as she has taught me, the higher your obstacles and challenges, the more opportunity you have for victory and success, both big and small.

For those who haven't met Teya...

1 comment:

  1. Wow- thank you from the bottom of my heart for this piece; I've seen Ramon Cuevas, her physical therapist, before, and older footage of Teya somewhere recently; his word is astonishing- a whole completely new approach to PT for neuromuscular issues like Teya's and those with CP. She and her mom are pure inspiration.
    Thank you, thank you.
