Wednesday, March 3, 2010


For the last couple of years I have been taking public transit to work every morning and home every night, and about six months ago it dawned on me as I was looking at the faces of my co-riders...nobody seems happy.

Almost everyone has a sorrowful, Debbie Downer expression. Pinched eyebrows, unfocused gazes... I'm never sure if it's a result of where they've come from or where they're headed, but I do know at that very moment they are not happy. Or is this their natural expression. Have the events of their lives weathered them to the point that their natural look is a sad, angry, depressed one? Are you one of them? Am I?

One day out a mix of curiosity and boredom, I tried this little experiment that turned out to be not only a great time killer but it put me in an awesome mood and started me off on a great day. I looked at the sower-pusses one by one, and imagined them with an ear-to-ear smile. Or actually in the midst of a joyful belly laugh. These are complete strangers who I don't know, and probably never will, but just the idea of seeing them filled with humour and joy...made me feel happy and positive.
Which proves to me it's an emotion that is easily transferable.
You should try it sometime and see if it works.

Here's a great video that proves the point!


  1. I love this blog! Such a great way to start the day.

    -Jen Daniels

  2. Thanks Jen. Good to know people are reading/watching. :)
