Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Guardian

As a parent of two little girls I constantly find myself walking the line between teaching and learning.
The tricky part of the process is that you're bringing your baggage to the table. All the hurt, failure and disappointment that everyone MUST experience as part of their journey, is exactly the thing I want my kids to avoid. I find myself slipping into control mode to "help them" make it through the day unscathed both physically and emotionally. I can't even imagine the teenage dating days ahead. It will break my heart...when someone breaks their heart.
But I've realized this mindset puts too much focus on what they CAN'T do or what might go wrong. Not the best plan to allow someone to flourish. And the reality is that all those negative experiences we have all struggled through, just made the victories that much sweeter. I wouldn't change a thing in my life, so why am I trying to change things in theirs?
Turns out it's not them I've been trying to protect.
It's me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey: I know what you mean exactly!! My girls are older, 15 and almost 12, yikes, ready and almost at the age of leaping into the "heartbreak" thing! But I agree that you just hafta let 'em leap! and if you can, help them to roll with it. Here's hoping our girls turn out to be there own "surfing dogs" that are totally joyful and 100% committed to whatever they end up doing!!!

    Have a great day,
